How it all began
How LÆY became more than fashion - a chronicle of moments and milestones that build trust and touch deeply. Experience how every decision and every vision shaped a piece of our history and brought us to where we are today - and where we are still going.

Origin of the idea
In the first rays of morning light that illuminate the snow-capped peaks of the Swiss Alps in Zug and make the clear waters sparkle, the story of LÆY and Kerim begins in the summer of 2021 with a dream that sees deeper meaning in fashion. Surrounded by the majestic nature that characterised his childhood - marked by long nights under the stars - Kerim found his calling. He realised that fashion could be more than just clothes; it could be a mirror to the soul, a window to the stories that lie hidden within each of us.

A silent rebellion
Inspired by the challenges Kerim and his loved ones experienced in their youth and everyday life, LÆY was founded with a clear mission: To use fashion as a medium to break barriers and discreetly share profound, often unspoken stories and truths about the wearers. Kerim grew up in a world where the fashion industry was often dominated by superficiality and transience. But he saw something different - he dreamed of creating garments that were more than just pleasing to the eye; pieces that spoke volumes. Driven by this longing, LÆY's first designs were created - characterised by secrets that only those who are willing to look beyond the surface can feel.

A T-shirt that no one will forget
Kerim knew that true excellence overcomes obstacles. With fabrics from Italy, regional printers and a passionate first design, he created the first limited edition of LÆY - limited to 25 pieces worldwide and full of dedication to detail. But the first design was just the beginning: Kerim continued to search tirelessly for the best manufacturer in Europe and the highest quality, heaviest fabrics. His goal was clear - to create the perfect T-shirt that epitomises quality and depth and ushers in a new era in fashion.
In pursuit of perfection
Kerim put everything on one card - no compromise, no middle ground. His journey took him across Europe, to small workshops and renowned textile factories, always in search of the fabric that was heavy enough to last, and the craftsmanship that breathed depth and authenticity.

11/2022 - 06/2024
A path full of stones
Kerim did not let any obstacle stop him. His journey across Europe was a tireless race against the average, a search for the one fabric that carries weight and depth, and for the craft that brings pure quality to life. Over 1,500 T-shirts ordered, tested, every detail perfected further and further - no effort was too great, no customisation too crazy.

The birth of Braillæy
In June 2024, the vision became a reality: the expanded Braillæy collection took to the stage - each piece a quiet manifesto, an ode to the power of the invisible. Embellished with secret messages in Braille, each shirt speaks for itself. This collection stands for the highest quality and craftsmanship and is also a commitment to all those who find more in the depths than the naked eye can see.

Today - A statement in silence
LÆY is not a label for the masses and not a fleeting trend. What began as a dream has developed into a movement for all those who have the courage to choose depth over superficiality and to be quietly loud. With every piece we say: There is fashion that speaks and fashion that feels. Today, LÆY stands for those who know that true power lies in the unspoken. Our story has no end. It is open, growing, alive. What LÆY will become is so much more than what it is today - and we are excited to walk this path together. The future? A space for new mysteries, deep experiences and a community that drives us to keep going.
Die grösste Herausforderung

November 2023 - Mai 2024
Nicht mehr derselbe
Doch der Weg war noch lange nicht zu Ende. Während LÆY langsam wuchs, waren die Herausforderungen noch nicht vorbei. Es blieb ein täglicher Kampf – finanziell, emotional und kreativ. Aber Kerim hatte etwas, das er zuvor nicht hatte: die Gewissheit, dass LÆY einen Unterschied machen konnte. Die größte Transformation fand in Kerim selbst statt. Er war nicht mehr derselbe Mensch, der einst gezweifelt hatte. Aus den Tiefen von Verrat, Verlust und Misserfolg war eine neue Stärke erwachsen. Er war nicht nur Gründer – er war Überlebender, Schöpfer, Kämpfer. LÆY wurde nicht nur eine Marke, sondern ein Symbol für den Wiederaufstieg aus der Dunkelheit.

Juni 2024
Ein Zuhause für Seelen
Heute trägt Kerim die Narben seiner Reise als Zeichen des Stolzes. LÆY hat sich zu einer Bewegung entwickelt – für diejenigen, die mehr suchen, als das Offensichtliche. Für die, die sich trauen, ihre eigene Tiefe zu erkunden und sich mit dem Mystischen zu verbinden. LÆY ist nicht nur eine Marke, sondern ein Zuhause für Seelen, die sich abgrenzen und gleichzeitig Tiefe schätzen.

November 2024
Heute – Ein Statement in Stille
LÆY steht heute für mehr als Mode. Es ist eine Botschaft, ein Lebensgefühl. Für Kerim ist es der Beweis, dass aus Schmerz Stärke und aus Dunkelheit Schönheit entstehen kann. Die Marke hat ihren Platz in den Herzen derer gefunden, die sich nicht anpassen, sondern neu definieren – und die Geschichte hat gerade erst begonnen.